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90 self-care activities to feel better when you are having a bad day

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It’s okay to have bad days; they’re a part of life. We all go through them. During these challenging times, taking care of yourself isn’t just a luxury; it’s a must.

In this blog post, I’ve put together a list of self-care activities for you. You can pick and choose whatever fits your mood.

And here’s a little heads-up before we dive in: these self-care activities won’t magically solve all your problems overnight.

Instead, they’re designed to bring you some peace and mental clarity, helping you face the difficulties life throws your way. So, as you read through these suggestions, remember to be kind to yourself. You deserve it.

Why Do we have bad days?

Stress: Stress can be a significant trigger for bad days. When people are under a lot of pressure, whether it’s due to work, personal issues, or other responsibilities, it can lead to feelings of frustration and overwhelm.

Lack of Sleep: Insufficient or poor-quality sleep can leave people feeling tired, irritable, and less equipped to handle the challenges of the day. This can contribute to having a bad day.

Health Issues: Physical health problems, such as illness or chronic pain, can impact a person’s mood and energy levels, making it more likely to have a bad day.

Negative Events: Unexpected negative events, like a car accident, an argument with a loved one, or receiving bad news, can understandably lead to a bad day.

Mental Health: Conditions like anxiety, depression, or mood disorders can affect a person’s emotional state and increase the likelihood of having bad days.

Unmet Expectations: If people have high expectations for a particular day, and those expectations aren’t met, it can lead to disappointment and frustration.

Before we start

A bad day and depression are two very different things. A bad day is temporary while depression is a persistent mental health issue with intense sadness. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, it’s important to get help from a mental health professional. With the right support and treatment, it can be managed effectively.

The List of self-care activities

I grouped these self-care activities into 6 categories and it should help you to easily select ones that align with your preferences and needs when you’re having a bad day.


Mindfulness and Relaxation

  1. Meditate for 10 minutes.
  2. Practice deep breathing exercises.
  3. Take a warm bath with Epsom salts.
  4. Listen to calming music or nature sounds.
  5. Try progressive muscle relaxation.
  6. Read a favorite book or poem.
  7. Write in a journal to express your feelings.
  8. Create a cozy spot to relax in your home.
  9. Do a body scan meditation.
  10. Practice yoga or stretching.
  11. Enjoy a cup of herbal tea.
  12. Practice mindfulness walking.
  13. Use a stress-relief app.
  14. Try aromatherapy with essential oils.
  15. Visualize a peaceful place in your mind.

Outdoor and nature

  1. Take a leisurely walk in the park.
  2. Go for a bike ride in your neighborhood.
  3. Have a picnic in a nearby green space.
  4. Try birdwatching or stargazing.
  5. Plant flowers or herbs in your garden.
  6. Take a hike in a local nature reserve.
  7. Visit a botanical garden.
  8. Collect and press leaves or flowers.
  9. Explore a new hiking trail.
  10. Have a campfire and roast marshmallows.
  11. Play a sport like frisbee or soccer.
  12. Go for a swim in a lake or pool.
  13. Take a scenic drive in the countryside.
  14. Visit a farmer’s market.
  15. Practice outdoor photography.

Entertainment and Creativity

  1. Watch a comedy movie or TV show.
  2. Create a vision board for your goals.
  3. Try a new art or craft project.
  4. Solve puzzles or play board games.
  5. Write a short story or poem.
  6. Learn to play a musical instrument.
  7. Listen to a podcast on a topic you love.
  8. Start a blog or YouTube channel.
  9. Cook a new recipe from scratch.
  10. Have a DIY spa day with facials and masks.
  11. Visit a local museum or art gallery.
  12. Draw or paint in a sketchbook.
  13. Dance to your favorite music.
  14. Try your hand at calligraphy.
  15. Do a jigsaw puzzle.


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Social and emotional well-being

  1. Call or video chat with a friend or family member.
  2. Write a heartfelt letter to someone you care about.
  3. Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about.
  4. Practice gratitude by listing things you’re thankful for.
  5. Seek support from a therapist or counselor.
  6. Join an online support group.
  7. Have a virtual game night with friends.
  8. Organize a small get-together with loved ones.
  9. Share your feelings with a trusted friend.
  10. Practice self-compassion exercises.
  11. Attend a local community event.
  12. Watch inspiring TED Talks.
  13. Read self-help or personal growth books.
  14. Participate in a group meditation or mindfulness session.
  15. Write down positive affirmations.

Personal growth and productivity

  1. Set achievable goals for the day.
  2. Declutter and organize a room in your home.
  3. Learn a new language online.
  4. Take an online course or workshop.
  5. Update your resume or LinkedIn profile.
  6. Create a budget or financial plan.
  7. Start a 30-day challenge (e.g., fitness, writing).
  8. Research a topic you’re curious about.
  9. Work on a home improvement project.
  10. Brainstorm ideas for a side hustle.
  11. Practice time management techniques.
  12. Write down your long-term goals.
  13. Reflect on your values and priorities.
  14. Explore a new hobby or interest.
  15. Develop a self-care routine.


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Physical well-being

  1. Exercise for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Go for a brisk walk or run.
  3. Try a new workout video or class.
  4. Practice mindfulness while eating a healthy meal.
  5. Get a massage or practice self-massage.
  6. Take a power nap for 20-30 minutes.
  7. Do a home workout with bodyweight exercises.
  8. Go for a swim or do water aerobics.
  9. Practice relaxation techniques like tai chi.
  10. Stretch your body to relieve tension.
  11. Try a new healthy recipe.
  12. Visit a chiropractor or physical therapist.
  13. Practice good sleep hygiene.
  14. Schedule a wellness checkup.
  15. Treat yourself to a spa day with massages and facials. 


RELATED: 12 Easy self-care activities you can do every day to improve your life: The only Glow Up Guide You Need


Remember, it’s okay to have difficult days, and taking care of yourself is a sign of strength, not weakness. Avoid self-criticism. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a friend in a similar situation.


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